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Lunch Quad Mural
by Shannon Hattyar

lunch quad mural

Shannon Hattyar’s mural on the lunch quad was a true collaborative effort between Unidos students and the artist.


The design beautifully incorporates everything that makes Unidos unique: the arts, sciences, music, community, literature, sports, language, love, and inclusion.


One recent evening, Shannon came to school after dark used a projector to trace the outline of the mural onto the wall, and then the school community came together to paint it, "paint by number" style.


Thanks to a community grant from Arts Council Napa Valley, this vibrant artwork now resides in the quad—a central hub where students gather and will see the mural every day, which inspires creativity, fosters a sense of pride and belonging, and enhances students’ appreciation for art and community. It serves as a visual reminder of the values that make Unidos unique—collaboration, inclusion, and the power of expression.

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